Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Cathedral" By Raymond Carver

     A neophyte to the new and unfamiliar territory he was, especially to that of a blind man.  A man, who throughout such a written work remained nameless, described his first encounter with such a blind man, who was not so unfamiliar to this man's wife.  Having befriended this blind man, Robert, as a young woman under his discretion as her employer, her friendship with this man was well-maintained throughout the course of many years, up until her second marriage to this original man of whom I speak.  Due to the continuous closeness between Robert and this woman, she felt that her newly beloved husband should meet with this blind man, especially after his own wife had recently passed from the wretched disease that is cancer - he was in need of such close friends.  Wary of such a visit, the main man of this tale withheld much apprehension as to the success of this meeting, for he had never truly met and conversed with a blind man, but such was inevitable due to his wife's persistency.      
     Even before this blind man arrived, one could easily tell that this main man was not very open, but then again, everyone obtains feelings of nervousness when venturing in the unknown, especially when such is a physical meeting as this one.  Withholding such nervous tension, this man awaited the meeting that would eventually change his ways.  Although this man was greatly prepped for such a meeting by his wife, nothing could truly prepare him for this experience.  Then, before he knew it, this blind man walked through the foyer into his home, into his life.
     To be cordial was his knee-jerk reaction, of course, but the latter part of the evening was when the effect of this blind man's visit took hold.  As the night sky grew darker and the continuous conversing between Robert and the man's wife, on the topic of memories, died down, the main man and Robert began to bond, especially when the smoking of cannabis took place.  As both men began to loosen up from such smoking, the television simultaneously displayed a show pertaining to various cathedrals throughout the world.  With great curiosity, the main man questioned Robert on such cathedrals, specifically if he knew what they looked like and such, which was truly a question of how Robert experienced and identified with the world surrounding him.  In response, Robert explained that he only knew what he had heard about cathedrals, for he had never seen one; in light of such an idea, Robert requested that the main man describe the entailments of a cathedral.  Although much effort was put into such, the main man was unsuccessful in this attempt, thus causing Robert to request that the man draw a cathedral.  Even though the request was strange, the man went through with it, guiding Robert's hand as he drew the cathedral, which was eventually done without his own sight.  When the drawing was completed, both Robert and the man admired the picture without sight. 
     Due to the fact that the main man was not blind, one may wonder why the main man did not open his eyes when viewing the picture.  What was occurring was that the main man was viewing the drawing as Robert would, without sight, and thus viewing the world as Robert would, without sight.  Answering the context of his original question to Robert on his view of cathedrals he was, seeing just how Robert would see, with everything but his eyes. 
     One could see that the main man was changing, as he was being open to this new and different experience, seeing matters in a different light. 

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